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Gemiddelde scores

Orde en netheid 9

Afspraken nakomen 9

Vakmanschap 9

Advies 9

Communicatie 9

Prijs/kwaliteit 9

01 februari 2017

Anoniem, Wassenaar

Verbouw: Verbouw overig

Review voor Bouwbedrijf de Wit B.V.

The project involved the total renovation of a property, including all new electrical wiring, all new plumbing / central heating, new windows, reconstruction of internal walls and floors. Quotations were quickly provided for each requirement and the project was managed very efficiently by Bouwbedrijf de Wit ensuring the project was completed within the estimated time frame. All the work was completed to a very high standard.

Orde en netheid 10

Afspraken nakomen 10

Vakmanschap 10

Advies 10

Communicatie 10

Prijs/kwaliteit 9